
Friday 11 July 2014


Hello everyone and good evening,

Text colors:
Black - Manda
Darkblue - Rafael
Pinkred - Cathy
Grassgreen - Tania


PART 2 - BEST OF Flora
(something went wrong in the cutting, sorry I didn't realize it wasn't in until i saw the video myself)

MMM - THE GREAT FINALE CYCLE 2 - PART 2 - BEST... von dm_5054342b7457b


Congrats to the winner!
Don't tell the winner until she was it herself!

It was a beautiful cycle thanks to everyone who participated.
See you next time,




  1. Love it love it love it ! ! ! ^_^

  2. Great job ! The best finale ever !

  3. Ahhh I love thisss, stunning, flawless, amazing, everything! (gonna make sure not to spoil anything for people ;3)

  4. Manda you have done an incredible job! But not only on these amazing videos... During all the competition!
    You've put so much effort in every single graphic, and the result has been simply wonderful! I Applause you.
    Congratulations on this great competition to you and your beautiful judges!

  5. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
    I love it and I can't believe how you're able to do that, it's amazing! It almost seems like a real tv-show, WOW :)

    This is super amazing, I la la la looove it!
    Perfection in itself, this has to be the best thing I've ever seen.

  7. Amazingly done !!! Congratulation for the stunning videos :) and i can't believe that there is no ''New Task'' tomorrow :(
    It was a fantastic cycle .Simply Bravo :D

  8. Gosh! I'm still super surprised! In shock! I can't really believe -SPOILER ALERT- that I've won!
    I'll never get tired of saying this but Manda, you have done an incredible job! It was such an amazing honour to be part of this competition and being able to reach this far and wear those beautiful dresses specially the ones from Spice Couture! I have never thought that I would be able to do that!
    I want to say thank to the judges for the feedbacks that you gave me during this cycle, that helped me to improved in every single task, and I have to say that I have some difficulties by I managed to get over them and, well Won!
    Thank you again, I can't wait to see the next cycle and more incredible contestants as the ones in this amazing cycle and the last one :)

    Ciao, Aeon

  9. OMG!! Giselle, congrats!! I´m so happy for you!!! YOU ARE GREAT!!!!!! Congrats my dear friend!!!!!!!

  10. Firstly, MANDA you've done an amazing job! I loved the video; the graphics were stunning. You just keep getting better and better young lady!
    Congratulations Giselle, you deserved it. Beth, don't be too sad. I've been in your position and I can tell you it will get worse only if you let it. Just consider this a step to glory, I know you have it in you to shine as bright as you possibly can. Good luck, my love! <3

  11. Ahhhh! It's too bad I had to leave the party early and I'm so glad I got this far and while I didn't win the title definitely went to a well deserving winner! To come second is still a massive achievement for me! Congratulations Giselle! You've earned it :D

  12. This was AMAZING! Congratulations to everyone who made part of this! Can't wait for the next cycle!

  13. MANDA OMFG!!!
    This is your most amazing piece of work so far!!! Loved the videos soooo much and I'm so glad that I could help you create this amazing show, thanks for not only making me part of the judges team but also a huge thanks for involving me into your production. It's amazing to see this competition grow and improve so fast. Manda, I am super super proud of you!

    Congratulations to Giselle, you were wonderful and you absolutely deserved the title, can't wait to work with you!
    To the other finalists: You were amazing as well, don't be disappointed, you will definitely make your way, on Stardoll and in real-life!


  14. OMG ♥_♥ that's amazing ! i love it *claps claps claps*
